If the last few years has taught us one things is that Life is short, and we shouldn't take anything for granted. Now I’m all for people setting New-year’s resolutions, although I prefer to call them goals.
Good for you if you’re planning on losing weight, giving up smoking or meeting your soul mate. The problem with these goals is that they can take all year (if not the rest of your life) what about changing your life on small step at a time.
As the old saying goes “How do you eat an Elephant?....... One bite at a time”
There’s 52 weeks in 2022, how good would you feel if you accomplished one small goal per week (or weekend) Below are some things for you to try, you only have to try them once, if you like it try it again, if you didn’t…. cross it off the list and move on.
1 – Let the waiter order: When my friend Mike goes out to dinner and the waitperson asks for his order his usual reply is “What would you order if you were me” and then he orders their suggestion.
2 – See a movie you know nothing about: How many times have you watched the Oscars and thought to yourself “I’ve never heard of that film” Well guess what…. they all get released in Australia.
3 – Go somewhere you haven’t been: You don’t have to travel interstate, check out a local park/beach/river that you’ve never been too.
4 – Go for a walk: A real walk, check out some of the half day or full day walks at your local National Park and switch your phone off.
5 – Turn your mobile off for a whole weekend.
6 – Don’t check social media for a whole weekend, not even email!
7 – Turn off the TV for a whole weekend and go for a walk (see number 4)
8 – Walk a dog: If you own a dog great! If not, check with your local RSPCA or dog pound about taking one of their dogs for a walk. It may be the last walk that dog ever takes ☹
9 – Go Horse riding: let one of the world’s greatest creatures do all the walking for you.
10 – Go camping get back to nature and turn off your phone (see number 5)
11 – Give up sugar for a week.
12 – Eat raw for a weekend, no processed food. That means no chocolate or caffeine. If cavemen didn’t eat it, then neither can you.
13 – See something live: Support your arts, see a band, a play, some stand-up comedy.
14 – Watch a foreign film: Just because it’s not in English doesn’t mean it’s not a great movie.
15 – Have a garage sale: De-clutter your life and make some money at the same time.
16 – Help out a charity: It doesn’t have to be forever, find out when there having a working bee, or just start buying the odd cheap toy or two now for Christmas 2022.
17 – Read a random book: Walk into a library or second hand book shop and ask the person behind the counter what would they recommend.
18 - Call up an old friend you have had no contact with in ages, just to see how they are doing.
19 – Leave an anonymous card/note on someone’s desk/car/letter box telling them how awesome they are.
20 – Pick up some rubbish: Next time you go for a walk to the beach or park, bring three pieces of rubbish home with you.
21 - Compliment someone: Tell someone how much you like the job they’re doing, their outfit or their new haircut, whatever. Be honest and sincere.
22 - Make something for someone: Bake an extra batch of biscuits, draw a picture, decorate an extra Christmas ornament and give it to someone for no good reason
23 - Commend an employee to their manager: It’s one thing to tip or compliment someone for their service, it’s another to contact their manager and tell them what a great job they’ve done.
24 - Give someone a real hug: Try to maintain the connection for 10 seconds. That makes for an awesome hug
25- Donate blood: You could literally save a life.
26 - Create art: Paint, sculpt, write a poem, produce a beautiful song. Share it with the world or just one special person
27 - Spend non-interrupted time with a child, give them your 100% focus.
28 - Plant something, a tree, a bush or a herb you can use in cooking.
29 - Give something away that you no longer use or need.
30 - Try yoga or meditation.
31 - Support farmers: buy locally or from your local farmers market.
32 - Join a club, (no not the local RSL) think book, photography or dancing. Join up with like-minded people
33 - Give up alcohol for a week.
34 - Cook something new from scratch
35 – Embrace silence: Don’t speak or listen to music or watch TV for minimum 24 hours.
36 - Listen to some new music: ask a friend or check out some of the recommendations on the streaming sites.
37 - Do a week long detox.
38 - Make a will. Let 2022 teach us one thing.
39 - Have a family night at home playing cards or board games.
40 - Go to the dentist.
41 – Cull some friends from Facebook: Why do you care what someone you’ve never met thinks?
42 - Take second honeymoon or just go away for a dirty weekend.
43 – Try to have a conversation without using the words “I, me or myself”.
44 - Talk to your Mom/Dad more: Your parents miss you. Give them a call, they probably don’t get into this whole Facebook thing as much as you do, so you have to say hello the old-fashioned way.
45 - Go to a vegetarian restaurant.
46 - Do a course, something that only takes a weekend or a weeknight or two
47 - Write a letter to someone, with a real paper.
48 - Play with something: It could be a kite, a frisbee or even just a game of chess.
49 – Find all your lost super.
50 - Make up, (not to be confused with make out) with an ex.
51 - Do something high energy: Bungee jump, Sky dive, drive a race car, learn to scuba-dive.
52 - Help a stranger. “Pay it forward,” do good things for the world — and don't post a Facebook status about it.
or write your own list