You'll be pleased to know this story has nothing to do with you-know-what but it should still act as a cautionary tale for anyone who may be forced to work from home in the coming weeks.
A screenshot from a company email is doing the rounds online.
The email, with the subject line "Remote Access", was sent after the employee in question - Calum - was divvying up his work day between actually working and watching porn.
"Morning Calum," it starts. "Hope you [sic] feeling better. Can see your [sic] logged in via remote access.
"Your screen here is visible and we can all see you watching porn in between enquiries, if you go to the top of the screen there is a menu bar, one of the icons will have a black screen option, if you click on this it will blank out your office machine, so you can continue in private."
And then, the kicker: A smiley face emoji.
Lest you write this off as fake, Reddit users confirmed that there is a second copy floating around with the company's signature at the bottom, which resulted in Calum having to delete his LinkedIn profile.
So there you have it. Let this be a lesson to anyone having to set-up at home in the near future and always, always practice safe remote access.