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Google's new feature will help you binge on TV

Updated: Jan 11, 2020

It's now easier to keep track of what you want to watch.

With Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Apple and Stan all competing for your eyeballs, it's harder than ever to keep track of what you want to watch.

Google recognises this first-world-problem and is rolling out a new feature called watchlist to help combat it. The new tool, currently only available in the US on iOS and Android mobile devices, sits above traditional search results and in Google's knowledge panel.

The way the feature works is pretty simple. When a user searches for a TV show or film, they will be presented with an "add to watchlist" icon.

Once clicked, Google will import artwork of your title and allow you to sort your results by title, and importantly, release date. The latter is where the new feature starts to make sense.

When someone asks "have you watched anything good recently?" is another obvious use case watchlist solves as personal lists can be shared. There's also a potential influencer angle to this new feature. Sharing a Google watchlist would be an elegant solution for influencers to effortlessly publish recommendations.

The new feature is only available to Google users in the US (right now). And can only be accessed on Android and iOS devices via the Chrome browser or the Google app. It will be rolled out to the rest of the world in the coming months.

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