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If you want to be happy keep your personal life to yourself

Some of us are over sharers, sharing every little moment on social media or with our friends, followers and complete strangers.

We as humans are social creatures, we crave connection. We like to bond, we like to share both our happiness and our sorrow. That makes us feel understood, heard, loved, comforted.

So we share. We open the doors to our worlds to people, many of whom we don't even know or have never met. We let them in on every little thing that makes us feel a certain way, we wear our heart on our sleeves, we share our entire lives with others without even considering who we are sharing to or that one day some of these people can take advantage of this information and use it against us…

The truth is, there are certain things in life that should always be kept private.

Here are a few of them:

1.Your private life. Sure, some things should be definitely shared with your friends. After all, that’s why friends are here for, right? However, there are some parts of your life that you should always keep to yourself. Be open about the things that you are comfortable with, but maintain your boundaries. Your life is nobody else’s but your own.

2.Your relationship issues. If you have to say something to your partner, you should say it to their face. Asking for advice from your friends is fine, but only to a certain point. The issues that you and your partners face should be resolved between the two of you. No one else should be involved. So, keep your love life to yourself. Unless of course, your partner is a toxic, narcissistic person who makes your life a living hell. In that case, don’t hesitate to ask for help.

3.Your finances. This one speaks for itself. What’s there more to say? When it comes to money, people are prepared to do the worst to get some. That is why your financial status is something that should only concern you. The more you reveal your income, the more they’ll try to put you down.

4.Your weaknesses. Be very careful to whom you confide about your biggest weaknesses. Not every person you hang out with is your friend and not every person who is nice to you really means you well. Protect your privacy and stay guarded when it comes to your personal life.

5.Your dreams. Do you know that the more you share your dreams and goals with people, the less motivation you actually have to work hard and fulfill them? I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt it more than a few times. Sharing my future plans with people has been nothing but discouraging to me. To be honest, the whole thing only puts more pressure on you and eventually stops you from being productive. And we don’t really want that, do we?

6.Your family problems. What goes on in your family is no one’s concern but your own. And let’s be honest. Sharing family problems with your friends is not only awkward, but it is also absolutely inconsiderate to your family. Revealing too much to the wrong people can definitely make more damage than good. Before you post what you think of your ex, have a think about if your kids see that post

7.Your honest deeds. We live in a society where people love to share every little thing about their life and be praised for it. I know, we have some serious issues for doing that. But here’s the truth. If you really, really want to do a certain change in this world, do it because you care, not because you want the whole world to know. Humbleness is the highest virtue that one could possess. If you want to help someone, do it for them, not for the glory. These small acts of kindness are the purest when they go unseen… Never ever forget that.

8.Your Diet Remember before social media came along and nobody cared what you ate for breakfast/lunch/dinner? We still don't, social media is a great tool to connect with like minded friends, but do you really need to share a photo of your shake/eggs Benedict/ pulled pork? We Instragram pictures of our food at dinner, while ignoring the people we are dining with. Our social world is often relegated to the screen.

9. Kids Sharing photos of your kids and their triumphs and disappointment only comes naturally to proud parents. But where do you draw the line? telling the world about your child's latest problem, is only going to come back and hurt them in the future. Today's world is, it seems, full of adults who can simultaneously say "I'm so glad that I didn't grow up after Facebook was invented", and at the same time create a permanent record of their kids' childhood on the very same platform, in many cases without their informed consent.

10. Your Personal Location. When you let the whole world know that you’re not at home, you’re just asking for a break-in. It’s like holding a garage sale where you don’t collect any money for your stuff. It’s weird that people really want everyone to know exactly where they are and what they’re doing at all times, but there are plenty of folks lining up to take advantage of the trend.

Don’t be a victim. Disable your location tracker!

How can social media have you feeling isolated, yet more connected than ever before?

The truth is, social media both augments our ability to communicate, and hinders it. Yes—we can now keep in touch with old friends, communicate across any distance, and see what our family, friends, and loved ones are doing at any given time. But there is also a hidden cost to this.

We, far too often, step away from those who are right in front of us in order to attend to those who are not present. We check Facebook at social gatherings.

This results in a feeling of isolation as we begin to miss the warmth of a smile, or the joy of a hug and good conversation. We become, in a sense, alone in the crowd.

A lack of in-person human contact and affection is a huge contributor to depression—one that can sneak up on us in our always-connected lifestyles.

Don’t be fooled—online contact is no replacement for in-person communication. Take the time to enjoy the presence of others without exiting the scene through the social media door. You’ll be all the happier for it.

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