As we get older our social circle starts to shrink, and that's not healthy.
As men get older, our friendship circles can get smaller. We get ‘busy’ with our jobs, family and lives, and over time we isolate ourselves with this notion that we must do life on our own.
We are social beings. We need other people. We need connection.
Some men may have forgotten the importance of connection. They’ve fallen into an old belief that men can do it tough and go it alone. And it’s true we can and sometimes we must, but something has to go back in the tank otherwise we’ll be running on empty. And nothing goes far on empty.
The flip side to this is having some social connection. It can be reconnecting with mates, getting back into sports we played or maybe finding a new interest. It’s about having fun and every now and then if things are going well, taking the time to tell someone what’s really going on in our lives.
Who knows they may have been in a similar position and can offer some bloody good advice? Or you might just leave feeling a little less lonely and a bit more supported.It can be hard to do, but take the time and effort to identify, build and maintain those close relationships. And be honest with those people as to what is really going on in your life. You need to talk with people who are open to sharing, who aren’t going to try and fix you, and aren’t trying to make you feel better for the sake of it
You want to connect with people who will listen and acknowledge how you are feeling. Talking and sharing with these types of friends, family members or professionals, can provide you with a sense of relief, lowered anxiety and a greater sense of connection, well at least this is what all the research says… that social connection is so important in making men feel better.
Having a supportive social network is linked to better mental health. Not only does it benefit our mental health, but having a good social network gives us an opportunity to have some fun, increases the support we get and increases our ability to support our mates when they need it too.
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